

English Literature

Editor at Bookophile, Copywriter & Creative All-Rounder

This Rhineland-born literature expert has many talents – but decision-making isn’t one of them. That’s why she’s already lived in England, Canada and India, studied at four different universities and had countless jobs. She specialises in American studies and is currently studying for her doctorate at the University of Erfurt, focussing on complex contemporary novels. However, she’s been a loyal member of the Kampmann team for almost 10 years now, and she’s made a virtue of necessity. A real all-rounder, she not only writes texts about books, but also translates them herself, recruits staff and implements new project ideas.

Here I am rock climbing. You see, I’m just as indecisive in my personal life as I am in my work and studies; for example, at the weekends, I’m never sure whether I’d prefer to read a book or go climbing outside. Sometimes, it turns out, my varied personal interests can even enrich my professional ones. The other day, for example, I was able to impress a client completely unexpectedly with my knowledge of professional climbing – a sport with which he had recently become fascinated.

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Ursula Kampmann recherchiert für einen Artikel über die Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg vor Ort in Stuttgart.
Ursula Kampmann doing research for an article on the Staatliche Münzen Baden-Württemberg on site in Stuttgart.
Ursula Kampmann erhält den Archer M. Huntington Award für herausragende Leistungen im Dienste der Numismatik.
Ursula Kampmann receiving the Archer M. Huntington Award for outstanding career contributions to numismatic scholarship.
Ursula Kampmann hält im Dänischen Nationalmuseum in Kopenhagen einen Vortrag über moderne Prägetechnik.
Ursula Kampmann giving a talk on modern minting technology at the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen.
Ursula Kampmann mit Swiss Mint Direktor Marius Haldimann als Studiogäste bei SRF1.
Ursula Kampmann and Swiss Mint Director Marius Haldimann: Studio guests at Swiss radio station SRF1.
Ursula Kampmann mit Kollege Björn Schöpe auf der NUMISMATA in München.
Ursula Kampmann and colleague Björn Schöpe at the NUMISMATA in Munich.
Experimentelle Archäologie: Ursula Kampmann probiert selbst aus, wie viel ein römischer Legionär zu tragen hatte.
Experimental archaeology: Ursula Kampmann wants to know for herself how much a Roman legionary had to carry.